The debut book that EXP Publishing has released is Rob Palmer's 'The A to Z of Animal Poetry'. This is aimed at children aged 6-12 and more specifically at those with Dyslexia, making use of the OpenDyslexic font.

At the end of June 2013, this book also became available in AudioBook format, with it's author having narrated each poem. This has also been done to aid those with Dyslexia in reading the book, as well as offering another method of enjoying this fun collection of original poems.

'The A to Z of Animal Poetry' can be ordered online by going directly to the book's website here.

The second book published was a non-fiction short self helper that is the first of a series under the banner Manage Your Mindset.

Book number one in the series is focused on helping those who are trying to lose weight and have so far been unsuccessful in maintaining their program.

'Manage Your Mindset for Losing Weight' can be ordered online through or

Click the cover to go to the book's website

Click the cover to go to the book's page on Amazon